
Shangri-La's Far Eastern Plaza Hotel Taipei

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世界越快,食則慢 —
為了尋找夏季對時對味的 #綠竹筍,我們前往彰化二水,循著當地農夫鄭老闆的腳步,傾聽大地的聲音。

剛採下的綠竹筍鮮甜清脆,主廚們大手一揮,在農地綠油油的畫布上猶如作畫般,料理出精緻佳餚:上海醉月樓賴忠舜主廚準備了清爽、突顯食材原味的「滴口水鮮涼筍」,泰籍行政總主廚陳帝昕(Thitisorn Amatisin) 則準備了拿手的「泰式酸辣綠竹筍椰奶海鮮湯」。天氣熱歸熱,但五臟六腑和心靈都被滋潤了。

#上海醉月樓 綠竹筍季節限定菜色及套餐現正供應中,立即訂位:https://lihi1.com/4H8QM
#遠東Café 泰式烹調下的綠竹筍料理,立即訂位:https://lihi.cc/qdPnR

We visited Changhua and followed the local farmer in search of the best green bamboo shoots in this season. The freshly harvested green bamboo shoots are sweet and juicy, and the chefs could not wait to use it as ingredient for their new creations. Chef Lai, Head Chef of Shanghai Pavilion, prepared a refreshing cold dish that highlighted the original flavor of the green bamboo shoots, while Chef Thitisorn Amatisin, Executive Chef from Thailand, prepared the Thai-style spicy and sour galangal coconut soup with seafood. You may taste them in Shanghai Pavilion and Café at Far Eastern from now until the end of July! Book now: https://lihi.vip/z2its (Shanghai Pavilion) https://lihi.vip/lFJOs (Café at Far Eastern)

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